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The name QTPC has been widely respected as a pioneer QA/QC Inspection training, exam and certification service provider for more than 22 years in Qatar.
QTPC training programs have been recognized as the most effective means to enhance employee efficiency and professionalism. Our professional experience and excellent consulting strengths provide insights and understanding of the challenges facing the industries we serve. QTPC aims to make a difference in his discipline. The need for leading-edge training has intensified and is advancing beyond all expectation; it is the basis upon which performance can be measured in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
It is my pleasure to introduce you to the latest member of our Group of Companies, Qatar Technical Petroleum Center (QTPC). Established early 1997, QTPC has shown strong growth in an extremely competitive marketplace by offering a service based on the following philosophies.
This commitment to bringing new NDT technologies to the Arabian Gulf has allowed QTPC to secure a unique position in this industry. We have demonstrated time and time again that the application of an innovative approach to NDT allows us to provide our clients with the information they need, when they need it in a cost effective manner.
We are constantly stn’ving to expand our business activities, both geographically and in terms of our po~oliof services. By developing strategic relationships with carefully
selected organisations, both in the Gulf and beyond, we continue to strengthen QTPC’s current position and future prospects.
Prior to leading QTPC as General Manager, I left the service of the state oil company,Qatar Petrolium(QP). During the 14 years service with QP,I held many senior positions including Head of Onshore and Offshore Operations. This gives QTPC a unique understanding of how best to serve our customers.
I hope you find the brief introduction to QTPC contained in the following pages interesting and informative. Please do not hesitate to contact QTPC if you require any
more information. We are always delighted to demonstrate the advantages of the services we offer to prospective customers and business partners.
Mohammed Saud Al-Dolaimi
General Manager
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